
President – Joanna Nieżurawska-Zając, Ph.D.

Joanna Nieżurawska has a Ph.D. in economics in the field of managing, a certified NGO business coach (Certificate issued in 2012 by Department of Public Benefit of Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Policy in Warsaw), international coach in intercultural education (certified obtained in CREFT Institution in Lisbon, 2015), expert in strategic educational international projects (certified obtained in Rome 2015), as well as a coach in teaching the youth (certified obtained in Institute Mine Vaganti on Sardinia (2015).he conducts trainings on managing, project managing, HR managing and interpersonal skills, as well as coaching. She has over 2000 hours of training in her experience, working for a variety of foundations, institutions and universities. She is an active person who enjoys working in a team. Moreover, she’s a member of an international organization – International Engineering and Technology Institute (IETI) based in Hong Kong.

The coordinator in Poland of the international project called YOU A.C.E! – a strategic partner under the Erasmus Plus Program – KA2. The project is being realized in partnership with Plymouth University from Great Britain, Institute of Entrepreneurship Development from Larissa (Greece), Youth Entrepreneurship Association from Vilnius (LITHUANIA) and our Italian Leader – Alessandro Gariano (2017 – 2019).

Her social activity was appreciated in October 2016 by the European Union of Women by awarding with an honorable mention for her work for women.


  1. Coordinator in Poland Erasmus Plus, KA2, Project title: YOU A.C.E! in strategic partnership: The project is being realized in partnership with Plymouth University from Great Britain, Institute of Entrepreneurship Development from Larissa (Greece), Youth Entrepreneurship Association from Vilnius (LITHUANIA) and our Italian Leader – Alessandro Gariano (2017 – 2019).
  2. Coordinator Erasmus Plus, KA1, “Modern IT tools, games and gamification”, contract no: POWERAE-2018-1-PL01-KA104-049161.
  3. Coordinator and Leader for Erasmus Plus, KA2, Project title: Enjoy Generation Z!…”,  contract no: 2018-1-PL01-KA204-050761).  The project is being realized in partnership with RISEBA Univesrsity and  Porto Politechnic.
  4. Expert no 1. In international project  „REAKTIV50+ –  the model of efficiency management of employee”, Polish Economical Society in  partnership with Asociación para el Estudio y la Promoción del Bienestar Social (PROBENS) from Spain, contract no: WND-POWR.04.03.00-00-0024/17.

Additional activity:

  1. Editorial Board IETI Transactions on Business and Management Sciences (ISSN :2517-9993),
  2. Member of an international organization, International Engineering and Technology Institute (IETI), based in Hong Kong,
  3. Memember of an international organization, International Engineering and Technology Institute (IETI) (based in Hong Kong).
  4. Member of Reviewer’s Panel for International Journal of Contemporary Management Journal (Poland)




Vice-President, Agnieszka Jaszczak, M.A.


She graduated her M.A. studies in accounting and finance controlling. Next, she continued her education at post-graduate studies on social economy. She has multiple years of experience as a lecturer/coach and advisor, mainly in the field of accounting.

She is experienced in writing, carrying out, and accounting for projects: Leonardo and other EU projects.  She’s worked, among others, in NGOs carrying out projects subsidized by the EU.

Currently, she’s working in the business sector. Since 2010, she’s been active in the Social Economy sector by setting up and developing Social Associations.


Volunteers/ Trainers:

Agata Walinowicz, M.A.

Magdalena Nieżurawska, M.A.

Dominika Warska, M.A.

Piotr Juchnowicz, M.A.

Anna Dziadkiewicz, Ph.D

Grażyna Kowalewska, M. A.

Ewa Kowalewska, M. A.

Agata Galas, M.A.

Maria Majewska, Prof.


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