Proposal for a workshop 2017/2018 in Poland.
Area of interest: non-formal education, human resources management, motivation, generation X, Y, Z in multicultural education
I. Motivation, motivation systems (concept, theory, instrumentsof motivation)
II. X, Y, Z generations (concept, methods of teaching in different generation)
III. What does being effective mean? (concept,measurement)
IV. Motivation and self-management inpractice
Area of interest: non-formal education, human resources management, motivation, generation X, Y, Z in multicultural education
I. Motivation, motivation systems (concept, theory, instrumentsof motivation)
II. X, Y, Z generations (concept, methods of teaching in different generation)
III. What does being effective mean? (concept,measurement)
IV. Motivation and self-management inpractice
– students
– lecturers, teachers, trainers, non-formal trainers
– managers
– management and all staff in the institution/organization
– NGO workers
– careers officers, educational guides.
Proposal for a workshop 2017/2018 in Poland in Gdańsk:
Area of interest: non-formal education, human resources management, motivation, generation X, Y, Z in multicultural education
I. Motivation, motivation systems (concept, theory, instrumentsof motivation)
II. X, Y, Z generations (concept, methods of teaching in different generation)
III. What does being effective mean? (concept,measurement)
IV. Motivation and self-management inpractice
– students
– lecturers, teachers, trainers, non-formal trainers
– managers
– management and all staff in the institution/organization
– NGO workers
– careers officers, educational guides.